Who We Are
ACCESS is a national livelihoods support organization, with focus on incubating innovations for sustainable livelihoods of the poor. With support from DFID (Govt. of UK), ACCESS was established in March 2006 as a professional new generation agency to contribute to and support poverty reduction in India.
ACCESS is uniquely structured to work at all levels of the development sector value chain, from implementing programmes on the ground, working with the Civil Society Organizations, Government Departments, Corporate Sector and Multilateral / Bilateral Agencies, and also supporting policy at the national level.
In the last decade, ACCESS has gained recognition for incubating innovations in livelihoods that has helped to move the economic lot of the poor from subsistence to sustainable levels. ACCESS works both in rural as well as in urban areas. Currently, ACCESS has 32 on-going programmes and works in 9 states in India with over 60 full time professionals in managerial positions and 240 field staff to support programme implementation.

ACCESS Vision and Mission
ACCESS is a global partner of choice, providing inclusive innovative livelihood solutions and enabling the poor to overcome poverty and live with dignity
To build capacity of community-based institutions that deliver relevant financial and livelihoods services to the poor and unreachable households
Over the years, gaining from its experiences, implementing a multitude of programmes in diverse context and geographies, and given its strong professional team; ACCESS has developed certain core competencies, which it applies to its initiatives across the spectrum. Among others, a few areas in which ACCESS has demonstrated core strength, include:
- Ability to work at all levels of the sectors.
- Develop “Lift and shift” models
- Positioned as a gateway agency between the poor and the markets
- Ability to work at scale
- Build local capacities ( capacity building of capacity builders)
- Support inclusive value chains,favouring primary producers
- Identify and incubate innovations
- Invest, incubate and strengthen community based institutions / model